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Marta Checchetti (b. 1994), visual artist from South of Italy.
My journey as an artist, photographer and videomaker reflects a deep-seated passion for Art, storytelling and emotions through visual mediums.

My Painting research is based on a fusion between reflection and feelings, trying to capture inner's life through painting, using oil colors &/or mixted techniques on canvas.
I've been trying to portrait the inner self &  the inner dimension, and what happens in it, trying to underline its physical/non physical presence in us,
and how it dwell inside human being.


My Photography reseach is based on various elements.
I have always been dedicated to photography, making it a part of my everyday life and, above all, my companion during my travels.
From 2018 to 2023, I primarily shot in analog.
When I shoot, it's as if I hold a key to unlock hidden dimensions between me and what I have in front of me, thanks to a combination of elements.


My Video works are mostly the result of projects from my academic studies.​


2013 - 2017

Bachelor degree in Painting - Academy of Fine Art of Venice (IT)


Erasmus Exchange Program - AVU, Academy of Fine Arts of Prague (CZ)


Master in Photography (Digital & Analog) - Milan (IT)

2019- 2021

Master degree in New Media for Art, focus on Videomaking & Filmmaking -
Brera Academy of Fine Arts of Milan (IT)


Single courses in at UNIMI - University of Milan (IT):
1.   History and Institutions of Muslim Countries
2.  Jewish language and culture


Advanced course in cultural events and festivals organization -
Feltrinelli Education (ONLINE)



Group exhibition, Painting section - Palazzo Rasponi, Ravenna (IT)


Group exhibition, Video section - National Gallery of Cosenza (IT)


Group exhibition, Painting section - Area Contesa Arte, Rome (IT)


Group exhibition, Photography section “Small is better” -Spazio Arnaout, Milan (IT)


Group exhibition, Painting section - Looking for Art Gallery, Milan (IT)


Duo exhibition, Painting section - Terrazza Aperol with Looking for Art Gallery, Milan (IT)


Group exhibition, selected Photographic work - “Monochromes”,
LoosenArt Gallery, Rome (IT)



"Viaggi di Versi" (133) -  Group publication of Poetry selection


Selected Digital work - "Donna ad Arte", Online publication


Selected Digital Work - "Second Life" Contest, Art Catalogue

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